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Im Jahr 2006 neu dazugekommene Kunden

Customer SectorWebpage
Aspo OyjFINconglomerate www.aspo.fi
Boxbeslag Fastighetsboxar i Jkp ABSWEother metal manufacturing 
BRG Baudienstleistung und RecyclingGERconstruction 
Böhler-Uddeholm DeutschlandGERmetals and metal products www.bohler-uddeholm.de
Cramo OyjFINrenting of machinery www.rk.fi
Dynea OyFINchemical www.dynea.com
E J Hiipakka OyFINother manufacturing www.ejh.fi
EBIS ValuationManagement GmbHGERconsulting www.ebis-vm.de
EPA Sp. z o.o.POLelectrical machinery www.epa.com.pl
Findor Sp. z o.o.POLconsulting www.findor.pl
Flagmore OyFINflags www.flagmore.com
Fortum HeatPOLska Sp. z o.o.POLelectricity and heating www.fortum.pl
Franziskus KrankenhausGERhospital www.krankenhaus-linz.de
FSP Holding AGCHmachinery and equipment www.argo-hytos.com
GreenStream Network OyFINenvironmental trading www.greenstream.net
Habitat UKUKwholesale and retail www.habitat.net
Hessischer RundfunkGERtv and radio www.hr-online.de
HITEGA Präzisionsmechanik GmbHGERprecision engineering www.hitega.de
Honkarakenne OyjFINmanuf. of wood houses www.honka.com
Ikano Pte. Ltd. SINSINretail www.ikanogroup.com
Industriewaggon (Rail Cargo AUS)AUSrenting transport equipment www.railcargo.at
Inesco OyFINenergy engineering www.inesco.fi
Jämtfrakt ABSWEtransport and logistics www.jamtfrakt.se
K+S groupGERchemicals www.k-plus-s.com
Kiviks Musteri ABSWEfood and beverage www.kiviksmusteri.se
Lagercrantz Group ABSWEtechnology trading www.lagercrantz.com
LVR Landschaftsverband RheinlandGERpublic administration www.lvr.de
METRON Sp. z.o.oPOLother manufacturing www.metron.pl
Moventas GmbHGERmachinery and equipment www.moventas.com
MTU CFC Solutions GmbHGERfuel cells www.mtu-online.com/cfc/
Neste Oil OyjFINoil and gas www.nesteoil.com
Nordkalk Oyj AbpFINmining and quarrying www.nordkalk.com
Normek OyFINsteel bridges and structures www.normek.fi
Oras OyFINother manufacturing www.oras.com
ORLEN OIL Sp. z o.o.POLoil and gas www.orlen-oil.pl
PIGROL Farben GmbHGERpaint www.pigrol.de
PKN ORLEN SAPOLoil and gas www.orlen.pl
Pori Energia OyFINelectricity and heating www.porienergia.fi
Pöyry Energy OyFINengineering www.poyry.com
Raahen Teollistamisyhtiö OyFINpublic administration www.raahe.fi
Schaumann Development OyFINreal estate www.schaumanninvestment.dk
Schering AGGERpharmaceutical products www.schering.de
Seinäjoen Energia OyFINelectricity and heating www.seinajoki.fi/energia
St 1FINenergy company www.st1.fi
Sucros OyFINfood & beverage www.danisco.com
Sundsvall arena ABSWEreal estate www.sundsvallarena.se
Suunnittelukeskus OyFINconsultancy & engineering www.suunnittelukeskus.fi
SV (Deutschland) GmbHGERrestaurants and catering www2.sv-group.de
Sveaverken ABSWEagricultural equipment www.sveverken.com
TBP Piesslinger GmbH & Co. KGGERengineering www.tbp-piesslinger.com
Telva OyFINwholesale and retail www.telva.fi
Templeco 636 LtdUKconsulting 
Thermodul Inc. & Co. KGGERconsulting and engineering www.Thermodul.de
Government Inst. for Econ. ResearchFINpublic administration www.vatt.fi
VTT Technical Research CentreFINresearch and development www.vtt.fi
Övik EnergiSWEelectricity and heating www.ovikenergi.se