Customer Story - ECO Sustainable Solutions

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Eco Sustainable Solutions operates a large organic recycling facility and producer of renewable energy near Bournemouth on the south coast of England. There, the organic wastes are shredded and composted into a large range of garden enhancing products including soil improving composts, around 15 different types of mulch, enriched soils, turf and woodchip products.

The company was formed in 1993 by Managing Director Trelawney Dampney, who was inspired to build a company within the recycling industry.


“I started working at Eco Sustainable Solutions in 2001, since that time I have been focusing on the financial side of the business and on the future strategy development of the company.” – says 

Freddie Smyth, Financial Director of Eco Sustainable Solutions, and continues:

“Before Invest for Excel we did not use any special software for financial modelling. As many others for this purpose we used Excel spreadsheets. All calculations were made in Excel, basically from scratch and, obviously, one of the biggest problems was potential for mistakes.”

“You have to be very accurate in order to produce reliable calculations. I’ve got a reasonable knowledge of Excel, but not brilliant. We had basic templates, which were adjusted for specific situations, although, it was time-consuming still.”

“Having Invest for Excel really helped.” 

Right place, right time

“Out of the blue I’ve got an email from DataPartner. Normally I would just delete them. However, I’ve read it and thought: hey, this is what I was looking for!”

“Before that I’ve been searching for an investment appraisal piece of software, but I couldn’t see anything that was really useful for me.”

“Jens Westerbladh, the CEO of DataPartner introduced the software for me. I did my work at my own, then he gave a desk training in UK where we went through the functions and program features. It was pretty easy to learn how Invest for Excel works. After one day in person training I was ready to use it.”

Invest for Excel® in action

“I use Invest for Excel for investment appraisal. It allows to do financial modelling fast and concentrate on analysis of such indicators as Internal Rate of Return, Net Present Value and etc.”- says Mr. Smyth, and continues:

“I like program’s ability to run a sensitivity analysis: it is easy to build charts and tables, compare different scenarios and etc.”

“The program is used quite a lot at the moment. Now there are a few investment decisions to consider and I work in Invest for Excel approximately 2-3 times a week. I assume that in a month, when the final decisions will be made we will use it less, but now I use it a lot.”

“Invest for Excel brings accuracy to our calculations. It really helps us to make right decisions in terms of how we spent our money – in a most effective way. All investment projects are modelled in the software and after in-depth analysis we chose those projects which give the best return. That is a key value of this program for us. And I would recommend this program for other companies.”

Long lasting relationship

“We had a good training here in UK with Jens Westerbladh, I liked it, it was comprehensive. I had a few questions since, which I emailed to him and received the answer straight away. I was surprised that Jens Westerbladh being DataPartner’s Managing Director answers my support questions, but that was nice.”

Images are used with permission of Eco Sustainable Solution Ltd.

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ECO Sustainable Solutions logo
Organization name
Eco Sustainable Solutions
United Kingdom
Green Energy and Recycling
GBP 12 000 000 (2015)