Management Tool “Invest for Excel” is officially launched in Iasi, Romania. Read about the event as ”Ziarul de Iasi” newspaper publishes it.
The official launch of Invest for Excel software in north-eastern Romania took place January 21 in Iasi by Daris Consulting. The event attracted a lot of attention and interest among participants.
How did it go? The best summary of the event you will find in the ”Ziarul de Iasi” newspaper article in Romanian. Here is a short translation:
Management tool “Invest for Excel”, officially launched in Iasi
Daris Consulting Company introduced new products by the Finnish company Datapartner Oy, whose partner has become the end of last year. Daris Consulting is an exclusive representative of Datapartner in the North-East and in Moldova. A management tool “Invest for Excel” developed by Datapartner Oy was introduced by Daris Consulting as a management solutions of the last generation to businessmen in the room.
“Invest for Excel is a software solution for budgeting, financial analysis and substantiation of strategic decisions. The tool combines the benefits of discounted cash flow methodology, IFRS statements and standards, and best practices in implementation, monitoring and budgeting. The product can be tested free for 30 days and can be downloaded from the site “, stated Dan Schipor, General Manager of Daris Consulting.
Dedicated especially for managers, investment analysts, financial controllers, directors and investors, as well as the marketing, production and engineering teams, Invest for Excel helps to prepare thorough and efficient pursuit of relative indicators for the company, allow transparency and comparability in analytical calculations and work on many scenarios in a flexible way.
“Imagine for example an investment for 15 years in a wind-mill park. Enter the numbers you are considering such as investment value, the number of turbines and estimated average production, the software will calculate the years of amortization of investment, profit or loss results and many other relevant indicators. It can also perform a sensitivity analysis. For example, you can calculate what happens if production falls by 10%. This part is very useful because some figures taken into account in drafting the business plan can be estimated wrong ” added Schipor.
Advantages of the new software are a low cost, maximum flexibility in implementation and its ease of use thanks to its environment of Microsoft Excel’s functions and the principles of IFRS, used in all EU countries and beyond.
Invest for Excel launch in Iasi, Romania on January 21, 2010

Dan Schipor – General Manager of Daris Consulting presents Invest for Excel software.

Invest for Excel launch in Iasi, Romania on January 21, 2010.
Please, find the news in the original Romanian language as well:
Instrumentul de management “Invest for Excel”, lansat oficial si la Iasi
Ziarul de Iasi, 22.01.2010
Autor: Gabriela CURELARU
Societatea Daris Consulting a prezentat ieri la Iasi noile produse ale companiei filandeze Datapartner Oy a carei partener a devenit la sfirsitul anului trecut. Fiind reprezentat exclusiv la nivel regional, in nord estul tarii si in republica Moldova, a instrumentului de management “Invest for Excel” dezvoltat de catre Datapartner Oy, Daris Consulting a adus la cunostinta oamenilor de afaceri aflati in sala, solutii de management “de ultima generatie”.
“Invest for Excel este o solutie software pentru bugetare, analiza financiara si fundamentare a deciziilor strategice. Instrumentul combina beneficiile metodologiei actualizarii fluxului de numerar, standardelor de rapoarte IFRS si de cele mai bune practici in implementare, urmarire si executie bugetara. Produsul poate fi testat gratuit timp de 30 de zile si poate fi descarcat de pe site-ul”, a sustinut Dan Schipor, manager general Daris Consulting.
Dedicat in special managerilor, analistilor de investitii, controlerilor financiari, investitorilor si directorilor precum celor de marketing, productie si inginerie, Invest for Excel ajuta la pregatirea riguroasa si urmarirea eficienta a indicatorilor relativi pentru companie, permite transparenta si comparabilitate in calculele analitice precum si lucrarea in paralel cu mai multe scenarii flexibile.
“Sa luam exemplul unei investitii pe 15 ani intr-un parc de eoliene. Introducind cifrele care vi se cer de genul valoarea investitie, numarul de turbine si productia medie estimata, soft-ul va va calcula anii de amortizarea a investitiei, profitul sau pierderea rezultata si multi alti indicatori relevanti. De asemenea, poate efectua si analize de senzivitate. De exemplu, puteti calcula ce se intimpla daca productia scade cu 10%. Aceasta parte este foarte utila deoarece unele cifre luate in calcul la intocmirea planului de afaceri pot fi estimate gresit”, a adaugat Schipor.
Avantajele noului software sint un pret scazut, flexibilitate maxima in implementarea si utilizarea lui, utilizarea facila datorita construirii solutiei pe functionalitatile pe baza ale Microsoft Excel si pe baza principiilor IFRS, utilizate in toate tarile membre UE si nu numai.
More information:
Daris Consulting, Telefon +40 740 183 111