This is the statement that brought DataPartner and Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences together. Essence of this famous quote found its reflection in just another joint project between old partners. But let us start from the beginning. Our cooperation began in 2011, when the very first project was organized. Since that time DataPartner was involved in several different projects, working hand in hand with enthusiastic students who are on their way to become young professionals. Finding enthusiastic and motivated students never was a difficult task. Especially in such place as Haaga-Helia UAS, where innovation, creativity, thinking out of the box are encouraged and carefully nurtured.

Let us share the latest achievements. The most recent project began in February 2015 in the context of Managing Sales course, leaded by Marika Alhonen and Yucel Ger (Seniors Lecturers at Haaga-Helia UAS). The main purpose of the course is to introduce a holistic approach to the managing sales process. This course aims at enabling students to scan and analyze the business environment in order to identify profitable sales opportunities, plan appropriate customer focused sales processes and manage/lead the processes effectively. Students were offered to run a project of their choice. The project should cover prospecting, sales negotiation and generate monetary results. The team that was interested to work with DataPartner consisted of 6 students from different countries and different educational institutions.

In addition to class activities, students were provided with necessary support and guidance from commissioner’s side (DataPartner) in order to accomplish set objectives and goals.

There were several trainings organized by DataPartner: workshops focused on strengthening the competence in investment feasibility studies with the use of Invest for Excel® software, marketing and sales trainings. DataPartner was glad to share knowledge and expertise, letting students to experience real business environment, apply skills and theoretical knowledge that were gathered during their studies in practice.

During project students were able to learn more about sales process, their personal selling skills, as well as validate and test own assumptions, selling tactics and strategies. Besides project work helped students to discover important findings about themselves which cannot be obtained from any academic books. It was mutually beneficial cooperation with tangible results for both parties.
P.S. Indeed “Great ideas don’t need approvals, they need application”