Meet our new team member – Kirsi-Elina Kettunen, an independent consultant and trainer, who specializes in financial consulting for public organizations, financial service providers and private corporations.
Kirsi has extensive experience in the field of finance and consulting, which has been acquired while taking managerial positions at the leading Finnish organizations in the public sector. Kirsi holds a Master’s degree in Economics from Jyväskylä University School of Business and Economics; speaks fluently four languages: Finnish, Swedish, English and German, and continuously invests in her education.
“While working in the Public sector my primary focus has been on ensuring that financial resources are allocated and managed effectively. This is a crucial condition especially for publicly accountable organizations, since they are not just driven by the profit motive, but have a major duty to serve the public interest and ensure the high standard in public money management.” – says Kirsi and continues:
“Preparing budgets, financial statements, monitoring cash flows and analyzing the effectiveness of investment initiatives aimed at improving the quality of public services or people’s livelihood are serious tasks which imply a high level of responsibility!
When it comes to decision-making, accuracy and confidence are essential! E.g. you need to understand which investment is better or you need to analyze possible alternative scenarios etc. In such circumstances, you cannot rely on empty assumptions or guesses, all business decisions should be backed up by the numbers!
Resources are always limited, and it is crucial to manage them effectively and thoroughly and with the right set of skills and the right tools like Invest for Excel software, this goal can be achieved easily” – underlines Kirsi and continues:
“It was 2008 when I have heard about Invest for Excel software for the first time. Later we have been using this software for capital budgeting, investment appraisals and cost-comparisons of alternative scenarios in the municipality of Loviisa (a town on the southern coast of Finland). I believe that it is extremely important for organizations including organizations that receive public funding to find a reliable tool that they can trust; besides Invest for Excel is easy to learn and you can be more certain that results are transparent and correct!” – finalizes Kirsi.
More info:
Kirsi-Elina Kettunen
Tel: +358 440 555 836
Email: kirsielina.kettunen@kidecon.fi