We’re excited to announce that Invest for Excel version 3.8.5 is now live! This means you can expect lots of updates, improvements and a list of new features which will make your analysis even better!

New Invest for Excel version 3.8.5 brings even more flexibility and analytical features to investments planning and valuations:
- Ready-made charts: calculation and analytical charts
- CAPM calculation for return on equity
- Total rows
- Multi-language support
- Bulgarian language
- Hide/show options
These are just a few new features to mention, read more here.
The update is available for download at DataPartner Extranet: http://www.datapartner.fi/extranet
A special DataPartner Extranet username and password are required to access the update package, which is sent to each Customer with maintenance plan at the beginning of each year. In case you do not have it, please contact DataPartner Support by:
– phone: +358 19 54 10 100
– email: datapartner@datapartner.fi
– online chat: https://www.datapartner.fi/chat
Note: The update package must be installed on top of an existing Invest for Excel installation. If you want to make a fresh install on a new computer, please contact DataPartner Support for a full installation package.