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VR Group acquired Invest for Excel Enterprise group license

VR Ltd has been our customer since the year 2001. In 2007 VR Ltd expanded to an Invest for Excel Enterprise company license and in October 2009 the license was expanded to cover the whole VR Group.

VR Group:

VR Group is a Finnish transport company providing rail transport and supplementary road transport services. The Group generated net turnover of EUR 1,540 million in 2008 and employs altogether 12,500 people.

VR Ltd, the Group’s largest company, provides rail transport services and is Finland’s leading freight and passenger carrier. Rail services account for some 50% of VR Group’s total net sales.

Pohjolan Liikenne group and its subsidiaries provide road services. Road services account for roughly 21% of VR Group’s net turnover.

VR-Track Ltd is responsible for track maintenance, construction, design and development, generating some 22% of the VR Group’s net turnover.

VR Group also includes Avecra Oy, which provides catering and restaurant services, and Corenet Oy, which provides ICT services. Altogether VR Group comprises 31 companies.

VR-Group Ltd, the parent company of VR Group, provides real estate, financing, communications, training and administration services to its subsidiaries. VR-Group Ltd is a limited liability company owned entirely by the Finnish state that was established in 1995 to continue the operations of Finnish State Railways (VR).

More information:                                                                                                          

Datapartner Oy                                                       

Jens Westerbladh                                                                               

+358 400 306 822