Webinar: Digital Transformation for Management & Finance: navigation methodology and profitability - DataPartner Software

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Webinar: Digital Transformation for Management & Finance: navigation methodology and profitability

September 14, 2021

About this event

How to master Digital Transformation? Navigation methodology and how-to-appraise techniques on its feasibility
  • Understanding what the Digital Transformation is and how to assess the benefits for your company.
  • Examples of navigation methodology and down-to-earth profitability calculations.

Register on Zoom via this link:



  • 23 September at 2 p.m. EEST (local Helsinki time)
  • Duration: 45 minutes

More information:
Digital Transformation is a must-have in strategy and actions for growing number of companies.

It is often a costly move that requires organizational change and can easily fail.

We invite you to learn how to start preparation for the digital transformation, navigate this process and translate the aspirations and initiatives into revenue streams.

All to ensure it is a profitable move, which will not be regretted and which will lead to competitiveness increase, rather than bankruptcy.

As part of the presentation, we will cover digital transformation basics and its importance.

At the webinar, you will learn about:

  • How to navigate a digital transformation, how this process can be supported and well navigated across the organization with the right methodology and review cycles
  • The ways to engage and motivate your teams in this process
  • Case study: A financial appraisal for a digital transformation initiative incl. time-value of money concept


Digital Transformation basics
  • What is it and how you can benefit from it?
  • How to start preparation in your organization?
  • Your digital transformation roadmap
Demonstration of a digital transformation project financials
  • Digital Transformation – Profitable or Not?
  • Financial Feasibility Studies
What should I do next?
  • Your next actions


Brought to you by DataPartner Oy (https://www.datapartner.fi/) and Where To Start based in the UK (https://wheretostart.co/).
  • Paul Eysink from Where to Start, https://www.linkedin.com/in/peysink
  • Malgorzata Jargan from DataPartner Oy, https://www.linkedin.com/in/malgorzatajargan/
We would be delighted if you could join us! Welcome!
