Invest for Excel® - Overview

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Financial model and Analysis

Invest for Excel® features the pre-automated interlinked three financial statement model – Income Statement, Cash-Flow Statement, Balance Sheet, and Analysis.

Build financial model flexibly and save 50%-80% time.

Perform standardized and comparable financial analysis and business valuation of any project or investment with confidence – and ease.

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DCF Profitability Analysis

Get discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation for your financial model. Discover profitability indicators incorprating time-value of money: NPV, NPV as a monthly annuity, IRR, MIRR, Profitability Index, Payback and more.

Sensitivity Analysis

Use in-built ”What-If” Sensitivity Analysis to analyze your model. Select variables from the model flexibly. Create personalized Tornado sensitivity charts and Spider sensitivity charts with ease – add parameters to the analysis on click. Discover variables that have the most critical impact on the profitability.

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Tornado chart illustration
Impact on profitability

Monte Carlo Risk Analysis

Use Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the impacts of various risks and uncertainties on the profitability of your modelled case. Select variables from the calculation model, define assumptions, and click to run the simulation. The probability distributions produced by a Monte Carlo model create a picture of risk. See the probability of unprofitable project – among many insights. Use as many variables as you wish.

Comparison Table

Compare calculations side-by-side, like apples-to-apples, on click. Prioritize alternatives and clearly depict differences between various scenarios and options.

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Comparison table Invest For Excel illustration


Consolidate different calculation files - your projects, investments and subsidiaries on a click! Get a consolidated report of Income Statement, Cash-Flow Statement, Balance Sheet, Profitability Analysis and more. See Investment Portfolio overview.

Consolidated Report Illustration

Margin calculation

Find difference between two calculations – for example a calculation depicting situation after an investment and before an investment. Determine the profitability on the calculated difference.

Margin Calculation Report illustration

Break-even on an input variable

Find break-even on an input variable. Determine the minimum and maximum values of parameters in your calculation to better assess the safety range and feasibility.

Find out what the input variable’s value is, so that the project is on the verge of profitability.
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NPV = 0

Financing module & Liquidity planning

Make the financing plan for your project calculation and check the liquidity in few clicks.

The module is synchronized with the calculation file. Easily update the project calculation with the financing cash flows on-click.

Build the financing plan without the need of using financing formulas. Easily update the project calculation with financing cash flows to get the total overview.
Select financing menu

Investor's return: Profitability calculation based on Free Cash Flow to Equity (FCFE)

Get the insights on profitability based on FCFE (Free Cash Flow to Equity), in addition to FCFF (Free Cash Flow to Firm). Determine how the financing leverage affects the profitability and what the investor’s return is.

Find out Project’s profitability, Investor’s return taking into account Cost of Equity, and how much cash is available to be potentially distributed to shareholders.
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Key profitability insights based on:

Corporate Acquisitions and Valuation

Get the profitability evaluation of an acquisition of a business or a business function.

Find out what the recommended purchase price is. Find the effects of the acquisition on acquiring company (goodwill).

Make professional calculation and analysis without the need of building financing formulas. Get insights on:
Business valuation
Purchase price
Effects of the acquisition

Business planning and Valuation

Use the business plan template with historical years added by default. Calculate Enterprise value and Equity, and use other features for successfully planning and valuing a business.

Your business planning is now well supported.
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Invest for Excel new calculation file window

Impairment testing, US GAAP and IFRS functionality

Calculate ”Value in use”, which is needed when applying IAS 22, IAS 36 and IAS 38, to perform periodical impairment tests.

Make impairement test verification by comparing the value in use to the tested assets book value.

Impairement testing is available for corporate acquisitions or fixed assets – on click.

When the control value is positive, no impairment loss needs to be recognized.
Impairment testing

Your Benefits using Invest for Excel®

Invest for Excel® provides a complete overview on investment planning or business valuation enhancing the quality of management process

Great modeling tool for any kind of business

Structure and clear functionality with the flexibility of MS Excel-based software

Standardized investment calculations and proposals to enable easy comparison or consolidation of various projects

Calculation errors are eliminated

Nothing of importance is by chance left out of the calculation, as Invest for Excel® guides the user in calculations 

Calculations and reports can be distributed as MS Excel files

Excellent presentation tool, for example in steering committee meetings

Calculations made in Invest for Excel® can be linked to other calculations made in Excel worksheets

Range of ready reports can serve as a complete package for financing applications

User interface is easy to learn because it is based on MS Excel, the most widely used spreadsheet application today

Visual menus, manual, software guide, and dialog boxes give a friendly framework of work

Through 10 available languages that can be changed while working, the tool facilitates management of international business

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Use Cases

For Academic Use

Use Invest for Excel® in courses to give the students a fun way to implement the theory in practice. Create the financial model of your research easily with Invest for Excel®.
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