¿Desea concertar una cita en Bucarest? Póngase en contacto con nuestro nuevo socio: Professional Finance - DataPartner Software


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¿Desea concertar una cita en Bucarest? Póngase en contacto con nuestro nuevo socio: Professional Finance

November 18, 2009

Datapartner welcomes the Business Partner in Bucharest - Romania: Professional Finance.

Professional Finance specializes in financial and M&A consulting services.

Our mission is to bring the international experience and best practices of capital budgeting to Romanian companies.

Having signed the partnership with DataPartner, promoting the Invest for Excel software will represent one of company's main focuses.

For local appointments or any inquiries, please visit www.professionalfinance.ro

More information: Datapartner Oy, tel. +358 19 54 10 100

