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El área de negocio Minería y Generación de PGE adopta Invest for Excel como herramienta de referencia para la planificación de inversiones
January 2, 2009
PGE is the largest electricity group in Poland, producing and supplying energy to millions of people in Poland. PGE employs over 40,000 people. Total net annual production is some 52.5 TWh of electricity, which represents nearly 40% of domestic production. Installed capacity is 11,800 MW These figures rank PGE among the largest companies in Central & Eastern Europe.
Invest for Excel software was selected as the best tool fulfilling high functionality requirements in the course of a public tender. The main goal of implementation of Invest for Excel is standardization of the form and scope of investment profitability calculations in the main business area - Mining and Generation.
The Mining and Generation business line of PGE S.A. includes the following companies:
- 1. PGEGórnictwo i Energetyka S.A.
- 2. PGEKopalniaWęglaBrunatnegoBełchatów S.A.
- 3. PGE Kopalnia Węgla Brunatnego Turów S.A.
- 4. PGE Elektrownia Bełchatów S.A.
- 5. PGE Elektrownia Opole S.A.
- 6. PGEElektrownia Turów S.A.
- 7. PGE Zespół Elektrowni Dolna Odra S.A.
- 8. PGE Elektrociepłownia „Gorzów" S.A.
- 9. PGE Elektrociepłownia Rzeszów S.A.
- 10. PGE Elektrociepłownia Lublin-Wrotków sp. z o.o.
- 11. Zespół Elektrociepłowni Bydgoszcz S.A.
- 12. PGE Elektrociepłownia Kielce S.A.
More information: Malgorzata Jargan, tel. +358 19 54 10 121