Usługi Konsultingowe
Witamy w dziale specjalistycznych usług konsultingowych. Dzięki 38-letniemu doświadczeniu od 1987 roku, z powodzeniem zrealizowaliśmy wiele projektów skoncentrowanych na optymalizacji procesów budżetowania kapitałowego dla naszych klientów i pomaganiu im w osiąganiu ich celów.
Naszą misją jest podnoszenie wartości dla akcjonariuszy poprzez wyrafinowane zarządzanie kapitałem i zasobami przy pomocy naszego know-how, wieloletniego doświadczenia i opracowanych przez nas narzędzi programowych.
Stosując najnowocześniejsze metodologie i narzędzia w zakresie planowania strategicznego, budżetowania kapitałowego i finansowania, dostosowujemy nasze projekty do unikalnych potrzeb każdego klienta.
Nasze usługi konsultingowe obejmują:
Delivering On-demand financial appraisals of a project, investment, business plan, company and more
We excel in delivering comprehensive financial feasibility studies utilizing the discounted free cash flow (DCF) methodology. The financial models and analyses are developed by our consultants based on Client’s specifications.
- Whether you’re seeking an appraisal for a project, investment, business plan, or valuation of a company (DCF method) – we will provide you with swift and accurate financial insights to guide your crucial decision-making processes.
- If you’re in the process of securing external financing and need to showcase the financial feasibility of your proposal, we’ll prepare for you a transparent financial model and analysis.
- If you’d like a review and a second opinion on an existing analysis, our team is here to assist you.
For your convenience, we offer an express delivery option for financial feasibility calculations aligned with your specifications, sometimes completing it on the same working day or in less than 24 hours.
We ensure that you get a full understanding of the financial model and analysis that we provide and learn best practices of financial modeling along the process.
For your convenience, we provide several options for reports delivery format i.e. xlsm, xlsx or pdf files. The calculations in the format of xlsm or xlsx files can be further modified and you can adjust or rebuild the financial model and analysis further while acquiring Invest for Excel® software subscription.
Currently, we provide you with financial appraisals in 10 languages.
Examples of projects:
Get a case-specific financial feasibility study and analysis – a profitability calculation for your project, a business idea, an investment and more – and set yourself up for better decision making.
Participation in your financial assessment process as an advisor
Unlock the full potential of your opportunities with our expert financial appraisal consulting service designed to provide efficient decision support.
As seasoned advisors, we specialize in guiding you through a comprehensive assessment of your planned investment or a business opportunity, or other initiatives that require developing a financial model and profitability and risk analyses.
Active engagement and participation in the meetings
Our financial assessment consulting service is characterized by active engagement, often involving direct participation in meetings with your management team.
We equip you with the necessary financial insights and strategic considerations to make well-informed decisions that align with your objectives.
Delivering a customized financial model, also an industry-specific template
We cater to your specific needs by delivering a standardized calculation template tailored to your requirements, facilitating quick appraisals of business proposals, investments, or other projects – in Invest for Excel® software.
As part of our service, we offer training sessions to your team on understanding and maintaining the financial models.
Leveraging the capabilities of Invest for Excel® software, our templates are meticulously crafted to streamline and enhance your evaluation processes specific for your business.
Moreover, we go beyond general templates by offering industry-specific ones developed in consultation with the industry representatives and incorporating prevailing regulations. These specialized templates ensure that your financial assessments align precisely with the unique dynamics of your industry, providing a comprehensive and efficient solution for your appraisal needs.
Currently, we offer ready-to-use industry templates for electric distribution companies for their investment planning processes:
– Industry template for Electric Distribution companies for Sweden (in Swedish)
– Industry template for Electric Distribution companies for Finland (in Finnish)
Consulting related to capital expenditure - developing high-performance for capital budgeting process in your organization.
With a robust 38-year track record, we have excelled in executing a diverse range of projects aimed at enhancing investment and financing processes for our clients.
Our expertise extends to the improvement of capital budgeting processes across entire organisation or in selected business units. Our services encompass:
– investment process reviews,
– consulting on setting-up an enhanced process with the supportive guidelines, templates, and software.
Examples of projects:
Delivering Consulting Services for Business Planning
Embark on a transformative journey with our Business Planning Consulting Services, where we specialize in crafting robust frameworks for strategic planning and enhancing the financial models that drive your business forward.
Our expert team excels in creating cash flow-based models tailored to your unique needs, setting up parameters for modeling, and defining rules and procedures for feasibility studies.
With a focus on implementation, we ensure that these models become integral to your strategic planning process.
Additionally, our service extends to seamlessly integrating your current business model with Invest for Excel® software, offering unparalleled analytical capabilities.
Through this integration, you will experience improved planning, enhanced feasibility studies, and a reduction in errors, ultimately elevating the quality of your investment decision process and contributing to the enhancement of shareholder value.
At Datapartner, we empower you to define and review your strategic plans with clarity, transparency, and systematic precision.
Examples of projects:
Ready-to-use Industry-specific templates for investment planning
Currently, we offer ready-to-use industry templates for electric distribution companies for their investment planning processes incorporating the latest legislation in each country:
– Industry template for investment planning for Electric Distribution companies for Sweden (in Swedish)
– Industry template for investment planning for Electric Distribution companies for Finland (in Finnish)