Invest for Excel 4.1 - DataPartner ---------------------------------- --- Compilation 4.1.007 --- New features: - Monte Carlo: Workbook, sheet and range in the "Calculate from range" form are stored with the analysis for easy recall when updating. - Variable's impact on proftability analyses headers in Analysis sheet don't show operator sign of chosen operator row. Fixes: - Asset investments and realizations and Equity, increase (+) / decrease (-) rows in historical periods in the Cash flow table could show inaccurate cash flow changes. Cumulative total cash flow was however correct. This problem has been fixed. - The "Use consequtively" depreciation option did not have any effect if first depreciation period is set before the first investment. This problem has been fixed. - Totals in Investment table where not updated with eliminations when consolidating. This problem has been fixed. - Entered working capital days with decimals were treated as whole numbers. This problem has been fixed. --- Compilation 4.1.006 --- New features: - Czech language has been added. - Exit Invest for Excel without exiting Microsoft Excel. Fixes: - Book value of assets in a Impairment test calculation has been changed so that any changes happening in the zero period do not affect the tested book value. This change requires a compilation 4.1.006 calculation file. - EBITDA/EBIT used for Profitability analysis Enterprise value and Equity value ratios in a Business planning or Acquisition calculation file could be returned from the wrong period. This problem has been fixed. - Distribute value from historical period did not work in every case when zero period was not in use. This problem has been fixed. --- Compilation 4.1.005 --- Fixes: - When updating calculation file financing from a financing file, it was not possible to capitalize financing costs to an asset in the investment table. This problem has been fixed. - Rolled positive investments in the investment table (Rolling forecast-function) would result in 100% depreciation of the asset. This problem has been fixed. --- Compilation 4.1.004 --- New features: - German translations have been improved and German manual has been updated with latest features. Fixes: - When converting an xlsm file to xlsx or when connecting macros to buttons in an xlsx file, some buttons may be missing. This problem has been fixed. --- Compilation 4.1.003 --- New features: - Individual change percentages can be given for analyzed rows in a Tornado analysis chart. - The ribbon menu command "Save as xlsx (no macros)" has been renamed as "Convert xlsm file to xlsx (no macros)" so that it is not mixed with the "Save as..." function. Fixes: - Basis for depreciation could not be changed from 100% for imputed depreciation. This problem has been fixed. - When printing Calculations tables, periods to include could not be selected. This problem has been fixed. - When printing Result table from Home sheet Print function, Basic Values sheet could not be printed. This problem has been fixed. --- Compilation 4.1.002 --- Fixes: - Changing parameters for imputed depreciation would update main depreciation. This problem has been fixed. - When entering an old investment using the "Continue old depreciation plan" option in Depreciation dialog box in the Investment table, the starting book value could be wrong at the beginning of the calculation term, which could lead to wrong depreciation for the old investment. This problem has been fixed. - When running a Monte Carlo simulation with more than one variable in another language than English, only the descriptions for the first variable would be in the correct language. This problem has been fixed. - When using Polish language, Some Comparison file texts were showing in English. This problem has been fixed. - Balance sheet asset group flip buttons did not work in xlsx files. This problem has been fixed. - Pressing the Impairment test verification above the Profitability analysis table in the Result sheet would take you to the Proposal file. This problem has been fixed. - Using the /-operator (divide) in specification rows could lead to #DIV0 error in balance sheet equity rows when historical periods were not in use. This problem has been fixed. - Asset depreciation method "Enter" in the Balance sheet did not work in xlsx files. This problem has been fixed. - Including Residual column when creating a calculation chart showing financial years only would result in having the last year included twice in the chart. This problem has been fixed. --- Compilation 4.1.001 --- New features (since compilation 4.0.001): - Xlsx file format (no macros) support for calculation files. - Progress bar is by default not shown. - The compatibility program file for xls calculation files is by default not opened.