Invest for Excel handbok och instruktioner
- Manuals can be found inside Invest for Excel home screen – User Manual (PDF) button
- How to use Crystal Ball with Invest for Excel® (legacy guide)
Invest for Excel start-guide och installationsinstruktioner
Nytt i Invest for Excel
- Version 4.2 (Available also in Finnish and Swedish)
- Version 4.1 (Available also in Finnish, Swedish and German)
- Version 4.0 (Available also in Finnish, Swedish, German and Polish)
- Version 3.9 (Available also in Finnish, Swedish and German)
- Version 3.8.5 (Available also in Finnish, Swedish and Russian)
- Version 3.8 (Available also in Finnish, Swedish and German)
- Version 3.7 (Available also in Finnish, German, Polish, Swedish and Russian)
- Version 3.6 (Available also in Finnish, German, Polish, Swedish and Russian)
- Version 3.5 (Available also in Finnish, German, Polish and Swedish)
- Version 3.4 (Available also in Finnish, German, Polish and Swedish)
- Version 3.3
- Version 3.2
- Version 3.1
- Version 3.0
These files require Adobe Acrobat Reader (free).
Presentationer av Invest for Excel®
Invest for Excel 3-minute solution introduction
Invest for Excel 12-minute tutorial
Invest for Excel - kalkyleringsexempel
- Invest for Excel snapshot: Exempel på investering i ny produktionslinje. (MS Excel-fil)
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